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Faithful In the Little

Faithful Woman

I sat on the couch stroking my two-year-old son’s hair.

He looked up at me with tired eyes, seeking relief—the smell of Vick’s VapoRub lingered in the air but did not seem to be helping.

His labored breathing concerned me, and the croupy cough wasn’t relenting. I sang songs and read some books to distract him from his misery, as this was his third bout of sickness in the last couple of months.

My heart ached for my boy.

Feeling frustrated that many scheduled plans had been replaced with hours of care needed for a sick child and with guilt following as the second feeling, I repented to the Lord.

The Lord reminded me of his faithfulness in my life, which he continues working out according to his good and perfect plan.

My Dream and A Job That Never Ceases

My dream as a kid was to run an orphanage in a third-world country—my dolls provided good practice in preparing for this.

My sister and I would spend hours caring for our babies. We had them all organized, complete with a notebook keeping track of names, ages, and schedules.

I am not running an orphanage, but God has blessed my husband and me with four beautiful children. I love each of these little miracles with my whole being, but some days, the mundane work of being a mom feels less than desirable.

The endless dishes, overflowing laundry baskets, little messes everywhere, dirty diapers, nighttime disruptions—a job that never ceases.

As Christians, we often aspire to do great things for God.

To be willing to leave it all and move to Africa as a missionary. To sell all earthly possessions and give the proceeds to those in need. To become an influential speaker for the building up of the church.

We want our lives to count and to have an eternal impact.

These may be good aspirations, but sometimes the small things matter most. It takes self- reflection and asking ourselves challenging questions to reveal the truth of our lives. Am I being faithful to what God has already entrusted to me?

Am I making the most of every opportunity to bring God’s kingdom to the areas I have influence? Am I using or burying the skills God has given me? Do I spend my time wisely?

The extent to which we are faithful with little indicates how we will manage much.

Being Faithful Even in Little

In Matthew 25, Jesus tells a parable about a man who went on a trip and left varying amounts of his wealth (talents) with his servants. Some of the servants doubled their master’s resources and were commended,

“Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master” (Matthew 25:21 ESV).

But one servant was fearful, buried his talent, and was chastised quite harshly,

“You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed? Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming, I should have received what was my own with interest.

So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents. For everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 25:26-30 ESV).

Using Our Talent for the Kingdom

In the above parable, Jesus is the master, and his followers are the servants, entrusted with varying amounts depending on their ability (Matthew 25:15).

It matters not the amount of talent but how the person uses it.

As followers of Jesus, we are responsible for stewarding whatever amount we have been entrusted with—our resources, time, wealth, skills, and bodies.

Later on, in Matthew 25, Jesus provides specific examples of how we can invest our talents for the kingdom of God—feeding the hungry, giving a drink to the thirsty, hosting the needy, and visiting the sick and imprisoned.

These acts of kindness are so significant that it is like doing these things for Jesus himself (Matthew 25:35-40). Many thankless jobs gain great significance when given this perspective.

The So-Called Interruptions Are The Highest Calling

In writing this article, I have been interrupted by making lunch, playing trains with my toddler, changing a diaper, folding laundry, and making a trip to urgent care.

It seemed the words would never get written.

But these interruptions are the very significant tasks that Jesus commends. The so-called interruptions in our planned schedules are often the most excellent opportunities to die to ourselves and live by the Spirit.

It is the highest calling we could ever fulfill when we offer our service to others as unto the Lord. 

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving” (Colossians 23-24 ESV).

Whatever we do is everything we do. Whatever we do is everything that matters —and we are to do them as though we were doing it for Jesus himself.

What an amazing perspective to hold as we approach every task of life!

And what significance is added when we see the eternal purpose behind all that we put our hands to because suddenly, our lives become meaningful as we see fruits.

Faithful Even in Small Things

So, let us be faithful in the small things. Sweep the floor with a heart of joy.

Prepare a meal with songs of thanksgiving. Create that spreadsheet to the best of your ability.

Fold laundry, covering your family members in prayer. Clean up the umpteenth mess with contentment.

Write those words knowing broken hearts can be healed.

As we continue to do this and with so much faith, God will fulfill his promise to entrust us with greater things.

Now, Let us embrace the seemingly insignificant and mundane tasks of daily life and accomplish them with a Spirit-filled purpose instead.

Doing this will make our lives count and have an eternal impact as we have always wanted.