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Our Mission & Vision

Our Mission

Our mission is to use faith-based and therapeutic tools to empower women and seniors (all genders) in their emotional health and wellness process. We achieve this by providing educational programs for emotional health and healing. Our programs and tools educate, connect, and transform into the abundant life that God provides. The impact of our programs is profound. People experience healing, relief, and emotional health tools.

Emotional Support
Growing Need

Emotional Support

There is a growing need for emotional support. According to a survey in 2016 by the American Psychology Association, 51% of Americans noted that they could have used more emotional support than they received. In 2020, due to the stress indicators produced by disruptions from the pandemic, the majority of adults (61%) say they could have used more emotional support than they received over the past 12 months. Without emotional support, one may feel alone, which can lead to a variety of health problems. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) cites that some people find that religion and individual spirituality positively impact their physical and mental health. Even though spirituality and religion can provide positive support, NAMI states, some churches view mental illness as a moral failing for which prayer is the only treatment. When this limited view bombards people, they may feel alienated from their faith community when they need more emotional and mental support. JINTEL recognizes that prayer alone does not always mend the wounds from life’s experiences.

Happy Seniors
Happier Lives

Supporting Seniors

JINTEL also understands that as seniors age, they have physical, mental, and emotional challenges. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that 20% of people age 55 years or older experience some type of mental health concern. The most common conditions include anxiety, severe cognitive impairment, and mood disorders (such as depression or bipolar disorder). Therefore, with our programs, we emphasize the positive impact of spirituality with tools that promote self-care that includes healthy habits for emotional, physical, and spiritual development.

Making An Impact

Bridging The Gap

We bridge the gap between faith-based and therapeutic resources by providing educational programs (A Healing Peace podcast, digital workbook, online courses, and workshops) to promote activities for self-expression, self-awareness, confidence building, self-discovery, inner strength, spiritual connection, emotional healing, and purposeful living. These programs build a community, provide emotional support, and generate a mindset shift toward empowerment and healing. Our initiatives embody deliberate activities for mental, emotional, and spiritual health. We know that investing in our well-being releases the hurt and pain caused by life’s stressors. We can live in the moment with confidence while staying true to ourselves. We assist others to step into their identity and love themselves with tenderness and care. Our assistance embodies programs that are locally in-person, and nationwide virtually serving women of all ethnic, racial, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds.


To fulfill our mission, we devised a three-step approach to help transform lives for living abundantly.

Our team develops Biblical-based emotional wellness and well-being programs. Our programs include tools that encompass spiritual principles for emotional wellness. We inspire deliberate activity for mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Our programs engage women on an individual level. They also are flexible and self-paced which allows women to remain on their healing journey one step at a time.

Our team establishes a safe community for women to connect with women. By connecting, women gain emotional, social, and spiritual support. To deepen this support system, we enlist qualified individuals (counselors, life coaches, and certified professionals) to address specific dimensions of the healing and emotional wellness journey. Together, we embrace a community where connection mends the soul.

Our team establishes external partnerships with other nonprofit organizations to expand resources that provide in-person connections. Within these external connections, women participate in their communities to a greater extent. In their participation, women continue to develop inner strength, emotional self-care, and confidence while engaging with others. Their engagement promotes love, service, forgiveness, and peace.


We envision women possessing authentic happiness and an intimate union with God. Our vision is represented by our website entities (www.ahealingpeace.comwww.backtojesus.us, and www.jintel.net)

Our Philosophy & Vision

Our philosophy is to represent God in a fresh light. We reveal that through our brokenness God provides healing. Therefore, our core values include honesty, integrity, and community seasoned with humor and grace.

Our vision is to build a safe place for women to thrive in emotional health and healing to restore peace to their lives.

Our Philosophy