Our Mission

J-Intelligence Networks, Inc. (JINTEL) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to use faith-based and therapeutic tools to empower women in their emotional health and wellness process. We achieve this by providing educational programs that promote activities for self-expression, self-awareness, confidence building, inner strength, spiritual connection, emotional healing, and purposeful living. Our programs and tools educate, connect, and transform into the abundant life that God provides.

Our Programs

With Our Programs, You Can: Shed Shame and Guilt * Live Empowered, Inspired, and Transformed * Embrace Your Identity * Create the Wow Factor by Being Your Authenticate Self * Release the Pain and Life's Stressors * Live in Freedom * Improve Your Quality of Life

Building Community

Our programs cultivate safe communities for women connecting with women. Developing a community combats isolation and feeling alone. We thrive when we have emotional and spiritual support.


Transforming Lives

We empower others by providing spiritual education and connection for long-term transformation! Our mission includes a holistic approach to emotional self-care while firmly establishing our identity. When we take care of our emotional health, we improve our quality of life and live fulfilling lives!

Our Articles

Our articles provide information about emotional and mental health that relate to our overall well-being, including the ability to manage emotions and cope with stress.


Donate to support



Our initiatives provide the following resources for our community: biblical tools, technology infrastructure systems, and media resources.

Community Development

As we build our community, we are always striving to secure and retain qualified counselors, life coaches, and certified professionals.

Partnership Outreach

Our initiatives are incomplete without adequate partners. We strive to screen and retain relationships with nonprofit organizations to help build our community.


Please support our efforts.

Living Free to Be Me: ONLINE

Are you ready to shed relationship baggage? Our seven-week self-improvement program provides a safe environment for women to healthily process emotional wounds caused by relationships.. We will guide you through a holistic curriculum with interactive resources to help you find freedom, heal your heart, and receive closure from past hurts. You will take actions that will draw you closer to God while addressing and healing from unresolved emotions. You will discover your strengths and capabilities. Focusing on your positive beliefs will assist in restructuring your thinking into a growth mindset. You will receive tools to engage healthily with others and to express your emotional needs. You will develop healthy habits for your self-care. Your participation occurs in a group setting. Trained Specialists who have completed their development work lead each group.

You will experience positive change in your life!

Moving Beyond Emotional Hurt: Online Course

Want to feel empowered for being you?! No longer want your emotions bombarding you due to emotional hurt? Sign-up for our free online course, Moving Beyond Emotional Hurt. Spend time learning what makes us human, while drawing closer to God.  Develop a game plan that will lift your spirit, and reduce the pressure of negative emotions on your body, mind, and spirit.

Our Partners

We are always seeking nonprofit partnerships! Please inform us of your incentives for collaboration.